اسم الشركة Libano Suisse Insurance Co
رابط الشركة موقع الشركة
وصف الشركة The leading foreign insurance company in Qatar, serving commercial and individual customers since 1960. Libano-Suisse Insurance Company established in 1960 in Qatar, is considered the pioneer foreign insurance company operating in the local Qatari market. We provide insurance services for individual and corporate customers with a comprehensive range of products and services spanning General and Health Insurance. We are committed, with a strong capital support, sound financial management, a highly skilled team, and the backing of top class re-insurers, to offer the best possible service to our valuable clients. Libano-Suisse acquired, through its vast experience, a reliable and valuable knowledge base, behavior and habits within the community served, making business operations safer and encouraging those businesses to attend economic transactions, which benefits the economy of the country.
عنوان الشركة Address:,Al,Seif,Building,,C,Ring,Road,Near,Al,Muntazah,Signal, PO,Box:,441,,Al,Muntazah,,Doha
الهاتف Mobile No. : 44664408 Phone : 44664406 Fax Number : 44664409
البريد الاكتروني Email : [email protected]
المدينة الدوحة
القسم شركات التأمين
الزيارات: 4642
التقييم: 0
المقيّمين: 0
تاريخ الإضافة: 16/4/2018
الموقع في جوجل: الصفحات - مرتبط بالموقع