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دليل الشركات القطرية
دليل كامل و شامل لشركات القطرية و المواقع الإبداعية التي تساعد الجميع في اعمالهم

Gourmet Fruits Company

اسم الشركة Gourmet Fruits Company

رابط الشركة موقع الشركة

وصف الشركة Gourmet Fruits Company is a new face to our predecessor Al Raed Trading, which was established in the Year 2007. Descending from Abu Khalifa Trading Establishment which graced the old ports, Gourmet Fruits Company (Al Raed Trading) has over the years grown from a small wholesale Market-based operator to a National wholesaler supplying 70% of Qatar growing needs for Fresh Produce via Supermarkets, Caterings, Hotels and Restaurants. The Company's continuous efforts towards building and expanding relationships with its suppliers and growers have enabled it to offer a range of exotic and organic products from across the globe to our elite Customers. We feel as part of our ethical obligation towards securing the food flow to our beloved Qatar is by securing dependable sources of suppliers. Therefore very careful programs are set with suppliers all over the world; years in advance to make sure that pricing, availability and quality are right for our Customers based in Qatar

عنوان الشركة P.O,BOX,:,202038 Doha,-,Qatar

الهاتف Phone : +974 44605891 +974 44688550 Fax : +974 44685687 +974 44688529

البريد الاكتروني Email: [email protected]

المدينة الدوحة

القسم شركات المواد الغذائية

الزيارات: 4484

التقييم: 0

المقيّمين: 0

تاريخ الإضافة: 20/2/2018

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الموقع في جوجل: الصفحات - مرتبط بالموقع

شركات مشابهة

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