اسم الشركة مدرسة الأكاديمية الأمريكية American Academy school
رابط الشركة موقع الشركة
وصف الشركة The American Academy School aims to be a centre of academic excellence dedicated to producing leaders. Their objective is to meet modern education standards and to enforce the highest moral values aiming at developing students’ potential through different teaching methods that help them acquire self-confidence and individuality in a multi-cultural environment. Founded in 2000, American Academy School (AAS) has developed a desirable reputation for the quality of teaching and learning in their schools to achieve positive outcomes for the students. The management has 3 schools now at New thumama, Al Thumama and Al Mammoura. They are now proud to serve 1, 600 strong students across Doha-Qatar. AAS schooling network is rapidly expanding. Currently, they have launched a huge state-of-the-art campus in their centers. The schools arebincorporated with high technology laboratories, sports gymnasium, wide range fields and state of the art research facilities. Every class room is technology enabled and provides effective experiential learning. Their teachers facilitate enquiry-based learning, skills-focus approach and make use of more progressive digital technologies.
عنوان الشركة P.O.,Box,:,22978,,,Qatar
الهاتف 40206900
المدينة الدوحة
القسم شركات المدارس الخاصة والمستقلة
الزيارات: 11448
التقييم: 0
المقيّمين: 0
تاريخ الإضافة: 24/11/2019
الموقع في جوجل: الصفحات - مرتبط بالموقع